Saturday, January 17, 2009
This is a very strong word of admonition to the MATURED at heart and a food for thought the living ones today. Name is defined as word or (words) by which a person, animal, place or thing etc is known and spoken to or of while fame is the condition of being known or talked about. It is very “certain” that every living person is craving for or mar you. Many family names have been dragged to the mud today because of 6the negative attitude or behaviour of one person while some has been written in the platter of gold in some peoples’ memory. Be it in the office, in the market, schools, churches or political positions. What you do carries much weight and lives long in the mind of the observers than what you think or speak are you a teacher, a student, a lawyer, a business tycoon, a trader or clergy, a man or a woman, hear this strife4 to have and build a good name before fame. Because the actions taken with your name is so powerful to bless your fame or curse it. Think very deeply as you’re reading this. Can you remember George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon Hill, Billy Graham, Bishop Ajayi Crowther and the name JESUS check if you’ve heard Judas Iscariot, Hitler, Balaam and Satan. You are matured enough pls work deeply and dearly on your name so as to enhance your fame now and in the future. To do this properly:
 Know your name
 Check what you’ve done or doing with it.
 Listen to what people are saying about it in a constructive way.
 Amend your ways
 Lastly, seek the infinite help from above for a definite change.
Remain Blessed

your Friend John Faola
posted by Arch Bishop, Dr J. O Faola @ 4:57 PM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Arch Bishop, Dr J. O Faola
Home: Shibiri Ekunpa Oto-Awori LGDA, Lagos, Nigeria
About Me: His Grace Prof. Prince J. Faola (JP)., He is the Senior Pastor of the Shield Of Faith Gospel Mission Int. and the founder of the “Joel International Ministerial and Theological Academy”. He is an international Bible teacher and a passionate author and bible expositor, he is a patron and adviser for Christ Believers Ministry. He is a member of BSN and IMCGBN, the President of JECAL CLUB, The founder of the PARLEY CLUB INT, Chairman of I.M.A.T.E.B. Chairman Board of Regents Christ’s College of Theology, a well known Radio Pastor and most sought after aggressive motivational speaker.
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